My first website!

Hi all, my name is Seth, I’m in the MS Statistics program at Baruch.

I have some data science experience completing a bootcamp in 2021 and working in the field since then.

I’m in 3 classes this semester, one of which is making me learn and write a lot of math notation in markdown real fast, \(\log\times\Pr[D_{train}]=\prod_{i=1}^n(f_1(x_i)^{y_i} \times f_0(x_i)^{1-y_i})\times\log=\sum_{i=1}^n\log(f_1(x_i)^{y_i}\times f_0(x_i)^{1-y_i})\) was a fun one. \(k\in\Re\) looks pretty cool, too.

Anyways, I really like transit data, my first major project was analyzing and predicting train delays on the NYC Subway. I wrote a short blog about gathering MTA data from their Alerts webpage.

I also am interested in sports data, for example, I want to do a project on how Shot Attempts affect a game and whether they truly matter (something broadcasters cried to the heavens they did this past NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs).

My lukewarm take on modern data science, there’s a lot of hype around AI and rightfully so, but I feel there’s some disconnect between what we call AI and what people think of AI. It seems we’re still pretty far from things like autonomous robots, as cool as Bender might be.

as cool as Bender might be
linked from GIPHY

Feel free to direct message me on Piazza or GitHub if you want to connect.

Looking forward to a great semester!